Retrocausal raises oversubscribed $5.3M round

Dec 8, 2023

We're excited to announce that One Way Ventures has co-led an oversubscribed $5.3M round in Retrocausal. The company's Kaizen Copilot software for Manufacturing Assembly Optimization solves for the vast manufacturing skills gap that could lead to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030.

Retrocausal, a Seattle-area AI startup, helps manufacturing teams by providing real-time instructions and feedback to front-line manufacturing employees on the factory floor.

The software works with cameras and other tools such as barcode scanners, and compiles statistics and reports into an analytics dashboard.

Retrocausal CEO Zeeshan Zia was previously a deep learning and computer vision scientist at Microsoft, where he worked on HoloLens, the company’s mixed reality headset. He co-founded Retrocausal in 2019 with CTO Quoc-Huy Tran and Andrey Konin, chief architect.

Congratulations to the team and we're glad to be part of the journey.

Retrocausal helps manufacturing teams by providing real-time instructions and feedback to front-line manufacturing employees on the factory floor.

November 2023